Fair Housing vs. Unfair Housing

Do you know the difference?

Knowing the difference between fair housing and unfair housing isn't as obvious as you might think. This blog aims to present a variety of important and interesting fair housing issues.

If you're an apartment professional, avoid costly mistakes by reading the stories of others who — even with good intentions — learned compliance lessons the hard way. (For the easy way, click here.)

If you live in an apartment, get familiar with your rights when it comes to housing discrimination, as well as your options for seeking justice.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fair Housing Month: How to Pursue a Fair Housing Claim

Things have changed since the Fair Housing Act (FHA) was signed into law 42 years ago. Today, people who believe they're the victims of illegal housing discrimination have more options when it comes to pursuing a claim and seeking justice.

If you wish to file a complaint against a landlord, property manager, or other party, the easiest and least expensive way is to go through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

HUD lets you file your complaint online (or by mail or phone, if you prefer), and you'll save time and money as well as the need to hire an attorney.

To find out exactly how this process works and what you should expect, read my article, "How to Pursue a Fair Housing Claim Against Your Landlord" for About.com.

Return tomorrow for the twenty-first part of this special "Fair Housing Month" feature at Fairhousingblog.com.

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